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Dr. Diagnotree - Aug 06, 2024

My Testing

1. Listicles

Everybody loves a list. They’re easy to scan, have digestible information and they’re super popular for social media sharing.

You can create lists on almost any subject. It could be your favorite books or a list of your top bloggers to follow.


2. Written tutorials and how to’s

Tutorials and how-to guides are a great way to engage your audience and educate them in a single blog post. Plus, they’re easy to work on too since you’re already familiar with the topic.

The key thing to remember when writing how-to guides is to break things down into small actionable steps. This makes it easier for readers to follow your instructions. Including step-by-step screenshots further aids in this, especially for visual learners.

Marketing bloggers could write tutorials on how to use different social media platforms. Beauty bloggers can guide their readers through makeup applications. It all depends on your target audience and what they want to read.

Here’s an example from How To Write A Song: Songwriting Basics, this post is broken into the 5 main sections of song creation, along with imagery and examples to make it easier for beginners to understand.